
Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney enables you to nominate people (normally your closest family or friends) to be able to make decisions on your behalf when you are longer able to in both Finance & Property and Health & Welfare due to illness or lack of mental capacity.

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Threats to Personal Wealth

There are many threats to personal wealth and the family home. Complicated or broken family relationships can create the biggest challenge; not facing up to them and dealing now with the ultimate difficulties they could cause will only make the outcome worse. By addressing them now we put ourselves in control of how our wealth is ultimately distributed and give ourselves the peace of mind which comes with knowing that we have done our best for those we care for most.

We should all be aware of the threats to our wealth - ‘we don’t know what we don’t know’ – and too often they catch out those of us who have not planned for the expected knocks of life let alone the unexpected ones which can happen at any age. One example is that of prepa...

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Wills and Trusts

If you die intestate (without having made a Will) the State decides what happens to your wealth. This may well leave your loved ones in a costly, uncertain and stressful position at the worst possible time.

Planning the ultimate distribution of your estate, protecting your assets by making a Will and, when relevant, setting up a trust are some of the most important things that you will ever do. By preserving your hard earned wealth and putting your affairs in order you will make a significant difference for those people who matter to you most.

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